Chapter 4 Part 3: More Data Visualization and Data Manipulation

4.1 Learning Objectives

  • Create and modify scatterplots and boxplots
  • Split figures into multiple panels using facet_wrap()
  • Customize your plots using built in theme()s
  • Sort by a variable in a dataset using arrange()
  • Select variables in a dataset using select()
  • Filter a dataset using the filter() function

4.3 More about ggplot2

4.3.2 Changing visual properties using built in themes

A complete list of pre-set themes is available here, and we’ll cover ways to customize our own themes later in this lesson.

4.3.3 Using theme() to customize

Adding the theme() function will let us customize our plot further.

There are a few arguments that are really helpful to modify:

  • axis.title
  • axis.title.x
  • axis.title.y
  • (The labels for the axes)
  • legend.position (Placing the legend, including removing it)

4.3.4 Saving your work

After you’re satisfied with a plot, it’s likely you’d want to share it with other people or include in a manuscript or report.

This automatically saves the last plot for which code was executed. This command interprets the file format for export using the file suffix you specify. The other arguments dictate the size (width and height) and resolution (dpi).

4.4 Brief Aside: Categorical Data (factors)

One data type that we haven’t yet looked at are factors - factors are how R represents categorical data.

For the most part, you can use character and factors interchangably for categorical data.

However, there is one main difference. factors define the permissible values in a vector with an argument called levels. They also define the order in which these values are displayed.

## character_vector
##   Cat   Dog Mouse 
##     1     2     1

You can make a character vector into a factor vector by using the factor() function, and supplying an argument called levels.

4.4.1 Levels of a Factor

The levels of a factor are the permissible values in a factor. The order of the values in a factor also control the order in which the values appear in tables and on the axes in a plot.

So, you can control the order of the categories in a factor by specifying the order of the categories in the levels argument.

## factor_vector
##   Dog   Cat Mouse 
##     2     1     1

This ordering is the main reason to use factors. We will revisit this again in Part 4 when we learn how to manipulate the data type of a variable in a data.frame.

4.5 Back to ggplot2: Boxplots

Boxplots compare the distribution of a quantitative variable among categories.

Remember, vital_status is a character vector, but we’re not too worried about the implicit order of the categories, so we can use it as is in our boxplot.

The main differences from the scatterplots we created earlier are the geom type and the variables plotted.

We can change the color similarly to scatterplots. However, we map to fill and not color:

4.5.1 Faceting our boxplot

One of the most powerful ways to change a visualization is by faceting. We can make multiple plots using another categorical variable.

To do this, we have to add the facet_wrap() command to our plot. We need to specify the variable to facet_wrap - disease by using the vars() function to specify it as a variable.

## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot).

Don’t forget to look at the help documentation (e.g., ?facet_wrap) to learn more about additional ways to customize your plots!

4.6 Further learning

If you are interested in learning more about ggplot: - Documentation for all ggplot features is available here. - RStudio also publishes a ggplot cheat sheet that is really handy!

4.7 Data Manipulation using dplyr

What we have learned is pretty great overall for plotting. But there are a lot of other things we can do with data.frames!

We’re going to talk about another tidyverse package: dplyr. dplyr is your all-purpose toolbox for filtering, summarizing, and transforming data.

The nice thing about dplyr is that it is focused on verbs that do things to your data.

We’ll focus on the following verbs:

  • arrange() - sorting a data.frame by a variable
  • filter() - subsetting a data.frame by criteria
  • select() - returning only a few columns from our data.frame
  • group_by()/summarize() - summarizing our data.frame, such as counting and computing means
  • mutate() - transforming variables in our data
  • %>% - the pipe character, which lets us join our verbs together in a pipeline.

4.7.1 Introducing the pipe (%>%)

Often times, we want to do multiple operations on our data and in a specific order.

For example, I might want to do the following:

Take my dataset smoke_complete and then Sort it by cigarettes_per_day and then filter to have only males from the data.

The pipe (%>%) function acts like the and then:

## # A tibble: 786 x 6
##    age_at_diagnosis tumor_stage cigarettes_per_day gender vital_status disease
##               <dbl> <chr>                    <dbl> <chr>  <chr>        <chr>  
##  1            18051 stage iii              0.00822 male   dead         BLCA   
##  2            29288 stage iii              0.0548  male   dead         BLCA   
##  3            18983 stage ii               0.0822  male   dead         BLCA   
##  4            22632 stage iiia             0.110   male   dead         LUSC   
##  5            20632 stage iib              0.110   male   alive        LUSC   
##  6            25579 stage iii              0.110   male   dead         BLCA   
##  7            22632 stage iiia             0.110   male   dead         LUSC   
##  8            20632 stage iib              0.110   male   alive        LUSC   
##  9            23156 stage i                0.137   male   dead         LUSC   
## 10            13867 stage ii               0.137   male   alive        BLCA   
## # ... with 776 more rows

You can think of a pipe as putting the output of one step as an input of another. These two statements are equivalent:

## # A tibble: 1,152 x 6
##    age_at_diagnosis tumor_stage  cigarettes_per_day gender vital_status disease
##               <dbl> <chr>                     <dbl> <chr>  <chr>        <chr>  
##  1            18051 stage iii               0.00822 male   dead         BLCA   
##  2            19847 not reported            0.0110  female alive        CESC   
##  3            14225 not reported            0.0219  female dead         CESC   
##  4            31258 not reported            0.0312  female alive        CESC   
##  5            16429 stage iii               0.0548  female dead         LUSC   
##  6            27449 stage ii                0.0548  female dead         LUSC   
##  7            29288 stage iii               0.0548  male   dead         BLCA   
##  8            15965 not reported            0.0548  female alive        CESC   
##  9            17465 not reported            0.0548  female dead         CESC   
## 10            15849 not reported            0.0548  female alive        CESC   
## # ... with 1,142 more rows


## # A tibble: 1,152 x 6
##    age_at_diagnosis tumor_stage  cigarettes_per_day gender vital_status disease
##               <dbl> <chr>                     <dbl> <chr>  <chr>        <chr>  
##  1            18051 stage iii               0.00822 male   dead         BLCA   
##  2            19847 not reported            0.0110  female alive        CESC   
##  3            14225 not reported            0.0219  female dead         CESC   
##  4            31258 not reported            0.0312  female alive        CESC   
##  5            16429 stage iii               0.0548  female dead         LUSC   
##  6            27449 stage ii                0.0548  female dead         LUSC   
##  7            29288 stage iii               0.0548  male   dead         BLCA   
##  8            15965 not reported            0.0548  female alive        CESC   
##  9            17465 not reported            0.0548  female dead         CESC   
## 10            15849 not reported            0.0548  female alive        CESC   
## # ... with 1,142 more rows

One big advantage of the pipe is that you can build your processing line by line.

In practice, as I work, I will often pipe things into View() to confirm I did things correctly:

4.7.2 The difference between + and %>%

Remember that + is for ggplot2 and that %>% is for dplyr. To keep them distinct and avoid confusion, separate our your data processing and your plotting:

## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

4.7.3 Sorting Data Frames using arrange()

Ok, we already have encountered arrange(). It’s a function that lets us sort a data.frame by a variable.

By default, it sorts in ascending order:

## # A tibble: 1,152 x 6
##    age_at_diagnosis tumor_stage  cigarettes_per_day gender vital_status disease
##               <dbl> <chr>                     <dbl> <chr>  <chr>        <chr>  
##  1            18051 stage iii               0.00822 male   dead         BLCA   
##  2            19847 not reported            0.0110  female alive        CESC   
##  3            14225 not reported            0.0219  female dead         CESC   
##  4            31258 not reported            0.0312  female alive        CESC   
##  5            16429 stage iii               0.0548  female dead         LUSC   
##  6            27449 stage ii                0.0548  female dead         LUSC   
##  7            29288 stage iii               0.0548  male   dead         BLCA   
##  8            15965 not reported            0.0548  female alive        CESC   
##  9            17465 not reported            0.0548  female dead         CESC   
## 10            15849 not reported            0.0548  female alive        CESC   
## # ... with 1,142 more rows

To sort by descending order, you need to wrap the variable in the desc() function:

## # A tibble: 1,152 x 6
##    age_at_diagnosis tumor_stage cigarettes_per_day gender vital_status disease
##               <dbl> <chr>                    <dbl> <chr>  <chr>        <chr>  
##  1            17635 stage iv                 40    male   dead         BLCA   
##  2            27708 stage ia                 13.2  male   dead         LUSC   
##  3            27708 stage ia                 13.2  male   dead         LUSC   
##  4            24477 stage ia                 11.0  male   dead         LUSC   
##  5            24477 stage ia                 11.0  male   dead         LUSC   
##  6            24713 stage iiia               10.5  male   dead         LUSC   
##  7            24713 stage iiia               10.5  male   dead         LUSC   
##  8            25646 stage ib                  9.86 male   alive        LUSC   
##  9            25646 stage ib                  9.86 male   alive        LUSC   
## 10            25506 stage ib                  8.88 male   alive        LUSC   
## # ... with 1,142 more rows

You can also arrange by multiple variables.

## # A tibble: 1,152 x 6
##    age_at_diagnosis tumor_stage cigarettes_per_day gender vital_status disease
##               <dbl> <chr>                    <dbl> <chr>  <chr>        <chr>  
##  1            17635 stage iv                 40    male   dead         BLCA   
##  2            27708 stage ia                 13.2  male   dead         LUSC   
##  3            27708 stage ia                 13.2  male   dead         LUSC   
##  4            24477 stage ia                 11.0  male   dead         LUSC   
##  5            24477 stage ia                 11.0  male   dead         LUSC   
##  6            24713 stage iiia               10.5  male   dead         LUSC   
##  7            24713 stage iiia               10.5  male   dead         LUSC   
##  8            25646 stage ib                  9.86 male   alive        LUSC   
##  9            25646 stage ib                  9.86 male   alive        LUSC   
## 10            25506 stage ib                  8.88 male   alive        LUSC   
## # ... with 1,142 more rows

Note that order of variables in arrange() matters!

## # A tibble: 1,152 x 6
##    age_at_diagnosis tumor_stage  cigarettes_per_day gender vital_status disease
##               <dbl> <chr>                     <dbl> <chr>  <chr>        <chr>  
##  1            25220 not reported               3.12 female alive        CESC   
##  2            28873 not reported               3.07 female dead         CESC   
##  3            18773 not reported               2.90 female alive        CESC   
##  4            16231 not reported               2.85 female dead         CESC   
##  5            24059 not reported               2.74 female dead         CESC   
##  6            20302 not reported               2.74 female alive        CESC   
##  7            28826 not reported               2.47 male   dead         LUSC   
##  8            28826 not reported               2.47 male   dead         LUSC   
##  9            21520 not reported               2.19 female dead         CESC   
## 10            20207 not reported               2.19 female alive        CESC   
## # ... with 1,142 more rows

4.7.4 filter()ing our data

filter() is an extremely powerful function. It lets us subset our data according to specific criteria.

Let’s filter on a numeric variable, cigarettes_per_day:

## # A tibble: 1,151 x 6
##    age_at_diagnosis tumor_stage cigarettes_per_day gender vital_status disease
##               <dbl> <chr>                    <dbl> <chr>  <chr>        <chr>  
##  1            24477 stage ia                 11.0  male   dead         LUSC   
##  2            26615 stage ib                  2.19 male   dead         LUSC   
##  3            28171 stage ib                  1.64 female dead         LUSC   
##  4            27154 stage ia                  1.10 male   alive        LUSC   
##  5            23370 stage iiia                2.74 female alive        LUSC   
##  6            19025 stage ib                  1.37 male   dead         LUSC   
##  7            26938 stage iv                  1.37 male   dead         LUSC   
##  8            28430 stage ib                  1.64 male   dead         LUSC   
##  9            30435 stage iib                 2.19 male   dead         LUSC   
## 10            24019 stage iv                  1.37 male   dead         LUSC   
## # ... with 1,141 more rows

We can also filter on a category. But that does require us to know the values of that categorical variable.

## # A tibble: 91 x 6
##    age_at_diagnosis tumor_stage cigarettes_per_day gender vital_status disease
##               <dbl> <chr>                    <dbl> <chr>  <chr>        <chr>  
##  1            26938 stage iv                  1.37 male   dead         LUSC   
##  2            24019 stage iv                  1.37 male   dead         LUSC   
##  3            24624 stage iv                  2.74 male   dead         LUSC   
##  4            27455 stage iv                  3.56 male   dead         LUSC   
##  5            25688 stage iv                  2.41 male   alive        LUSC   
##  6            25286 stage iv                  2.74 male   dead         LUSC   
##  7            23323 stage iv                  3.78 male   dead         BLCA   
##  8            24428 stage iv                  3.40 male   dead         BLCA   
##  9            22271 stage iv                  2.19 male   alive        BLCA   
## 10            23927 stage iv                  1.32 male   dead         BLCA   
## # ... with 81 more rows

4.7.5 Filtering requires a little logic

We can chain multiple criteria using the & (AND) or | (OR) operators. But we need to review a little logic before we do this.

If I wanted to return patients who were

male and stage iv,

I would want use an & to chain these criteria together:

gender == "male" & tumor_stage == "stage_iv"
## # A tibble: 75 x 6
##    age_at_diagnosis tumor_stage cigarettes_per_day gender vital_status disease
##               <dbl> <chr>                    <dbl> <chr>  <chr>        <chr>  
##  1            26938 stage iv                  1.37 male   dead         LUSC   
##  2            24019 stage iv                  1.37 male   dead         LUSC   
##  3            24624 stage iv                  2.74 male   dead         LUSC   
##  4            27455 stage iv                  3.56 male   dead         LUSC   
##  5            25688 stage iv                  2.41 male   alive        LUSC   
##  6            25286 stage iv                  2.74 male   dead         LUSC   
##  7            23323 stage iv                  3.78 male   dead         BLCA   
##  8            24428 stage iv                  3.40 male   dead         BLCA   
##  9            22271 stage iv                  2.19 male   alive        BLCA   
## 10            23927 stage iv                  1.32 male   dead         BLCA   
## # ... with 65 more rows

If I wanted patients who were

male or stage iv

I would use an | to chain these criteria together.

## # A tibble: 802 x 6
##    age_at_diagnosis tumor_stage cigarettes_per_day gender vital_status disease
##               <dbl> <chr>                    <dbl> <chr>  <chr>        <chr>  
##  1            24477 stage ia                 11.0  male   dead         LUSC   
##  2            26615 stage ib                  2.19 male   dead         LUSC   
##  3            27154 stage ia                  1.10 male   alive        LUSC   
##  4            19025 stage ib                  1.37 male   dead         LUSC   
##  5            26938 stage iv                  1.37 male   dead         LUSC   
##  6            28430 stage ib                  1.64 male   dead         LUSC   
##  7            30435 stage iib                 2.19 male   dead         LUSC   
##  8            24019 stage iv                  1.37 male   dead         LUSC   
##  9            26813 stage iib                 2.74 male   alive        LUSC   
## 10            23972 stage ib                  2.19 male   alive        LUSC   
## # ... with 792 more rows

Think about it: which of the above two code blocks will return a larger number of patients?

4.7.6 More about Comparison and Logical Operators

This is a useful reference for all the different operators (both logical and comparison) that you can use:

4.7.7 Selecting columns using select()

The final verb we’ll look at is select(). It allows us to select variables from our dataset:

## # A tibble: 1,152 x 2
##    gender tumor_stage
##    <chr>  <chr>      
##  1 male   stage ia   
##  2 male   stage ib   
##  3 female stage ib   
##  4 male   stage ia   
##  5 female stage iiia 
##  6 male   stage ib   
##  7 male   stage iv   
##  8 male   stage ib   
##  9 male   stage iib  
## 10 male   stage iv   
## # ... with 1,142 more rows

If we want to select everything but one variable, we can use a - in front of that variable.

## # A tibble: 1,152 x 5
##    age_at_diagnosis tumor_stage cigarettes_per_day vital_status disease
##               <dbl> <chr>                    <dbl> <chr>        <chr>  
##  1            24477 stage ia                 11.0  dead         LUSC   
##  2            26615 stage ib                  2.19 dead         LUSC   
##  3            28171 stage ib                  1.64 dead         LUSC   
##  4            27154 stage ia                  1.10 alive        LUSC   
##  5            23370 stage iiia                2.74 alive        LUSC   
##  6            19025 stage ib                  1.37 dead         LUSC   
##  7            26938 stage iv                  1.37 dead         LUSC   
##  8            28430 stage ib                  1.64 dead         LUSC   
##  9            30435 stage iib                 2.19 dead         LUSC   
## 10            24019 stage iv                  1.37 dead         LUSC   
## # ... with 1,142 more rows

4.7.8 The difference between filter() and select()

One thing to keep in mind is that:

filter() works on rows, and select() works on columns

Keep that in mind!

4.7.9 Saving our results

Let’s save our processed data in the data/ directory. We’ll save it as a csv file, which is short for comma separated value. This is a file type that can be easily imported into excel.

4.8 What you learned today

  • customizing ggplots using theme()
  • making boxplots
  • faceting plots
  • a little bit about factors
  • pipes
  • arrange()
  • filter()
  • select()

4.9 Practice

Try out chapters 2 and 3 in the R-Bootcamp:

4.10 Acknowledgements

This notebook was adapted from material from Kate Hertweck and and from the R-Bootcamp by Ted Laderas and Jessica Minnier.

4.11 Assignment 3

  1. Load the smoke_complete dataset from the data folder. Use filter() to subset those patients who have

disease == “LUSC”

then save the results to an object called lusc_smokers:

  1. Sort lusc_smokers by decreasing tumor_stage:

  2. For lusc_smokers, make a boxplot where y = cigarettes_per_day and x = tumor_stage.

  3. Modify your plot to facet by gender:

  4. Subset smoke_complete to a different set of patients, such as gender == “female”.

Make a new faceted plot, this time a scatterplot. You’re free to choose two numeric variables of interest to plot from smoke_complete.

Color your plot by disease and facet by vital_status.