Chapter 5 Part 4: mutate(), group_by()/summarize()

5.1 Learning Objectives

  • Learn and apply mutate() to change the data type of a variable
  • Apply mutate() to calculate a new variable based on other variables in a data.frame.
  • Apply case_when in a mutate() statement to make a continuous variable categorical
  • Apply group_by()/summarize() as a pattern to get summary statistics, including counts, means, and standard deviations within a category.
  • Standardize variable names using clean_names()

5.3 mutate() - A confusing name, a powerful dplyr verb

So what is mutate? mutate() is one of the most useful dplyr verbs. You can use it to transform data (variables in your data.frame) and add it as a new variable into the data.frame.

I tend to think of this much like adding a formula in Excel to calculate the value of a new column based on previous columns. You can do lots of things such as:

  • subtract one column from another
  • convert the units of one column to new units (such as days to years)
  • change the capitalization of categories in a variable
  • recode a continuous variable to be a categorical one

5.3.1 Using mutate to calculate a new variable based on other variables

One use for mutate is to do Excel type calculations using other columns on the data. For instance, we might want to calcluate the sum of age_at_diagnosesand days_to_death to get the age_at_death.

## Rows: 1,152
## Columns: 21
## $ primary_diagnosis           <chr> "C34.1", "C34.1", "C34.3", "C34.1", "C3...
## $ tumor_stage                 <chr> "stage ia", "stage ib", "stage ib", "st...
## $ age_at_diagnosis            <dbl> 24477, 26615, 28171, 27154, 23370, 1902...
## $ vital_status                <chr> "dead", "dead", "dead", "alive", "alive...
## $ morphology                  <chr> "8070/3", "8070/3", "8070/3", "8083/3",...
## $ days_to_death               <dbl> 371, 136, 2304, NA, NA, 345, 716, 2803,...
## $ state                       <chr> "live", "live", "live", "live", "live",...
## $ tissue_or_organ_of_origin   <chr> "C34.1", "C34.1", "C34.3", "C34.1", "C3...
## $ days_to_birth               <dbl> -24477, -26615, -28171, -27154, -23370,...
## $ site_of_resection_or_biopsy <chr> "C34.1", "C34.1", "C34.3", "C34.1", "C3...
## $ days_to_last_follow_up      <dbl> NA, NA, 2099, 3747, 3576, NA, NA, 1810,...
## $ cigarettes_per_day          <dbl> 10.9589041, 2.1917808, 1.6438356, 1.095...
## $ years_smoked                <dbl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 26,...
## $ gender                      <chr> "male", "male", "female", "male", "fema...
## $ year_of_birth               <dbl> 1936, 1931, 1927, 1930, 1942, 1953, 193...
## $ race                        <chr> "white", "asian", "white", "white", "no...
## $ ethnicity                   <chr> "not hispanic or latino", "not hispanic...
## $ year_of_death               <dbl> 2004, 2003, NA, NA, NA, 2005, 2006, NA,...
## $ bcr_patient_barcode         <chr> "TCGA-18-3406", "TCGA-18-3407", "TCGA-1...
## $ disease                     <chr> "LUSC", "LUSC", "LUSC", "LUSC", "LUSC",...
## $ age_at_death                <dbl> 24848, 26751, 30475, NA, NA, 19370, 276...

5.3.2 Your Turn

Create a variable called cigarettes_total by multiplying cigarettes_per_day by -days_to_birth below:

5.3.3 Using mutate to make our character variables into factors

Remember factors? Well, we can use mutate() to make a character variable a factor.

Let’s convert gender from character into factor. We’ll then pipe the output into glimpse() so you can see the variable types.

## Rows: 1,152
## Columns: 20
## $ primary_diagnosis           <chr> "C34.1", "C34.1", "C34.3", "C34.1", "C3...
## $ tumor_stage                 <chr> "stage ia", "stage ib", "stage ib", "st...
## $ age_at_diagnosis            <dbl> 24477, 26615, 28171, 27154, 23370, 1902...
## $ vital_status                <chr> "dead", "dead", "dead", "alive", "alive...
## $ morphology                  <chr> "8070/3", "8070/3", "8070/3", "8083/3",...
## $ days_to_death               <dbl> 371, 136, 2304, NA, NA, 345, 716, 2803,...
## $ state                       <chr> "live", "live", "live", "live", "live",...
## $ tissue_or_organ_of_origin   <chr> "C34.1", "C34.1", "C34.3", "C34.1", "C3...
## $ days_to_birth               <dbl> -24477, -26615, -28171, -27154, -23370,...
## $ site_of_resection_or_biopsy <chr> "C34.1", "C34.1", "C34.3", "C34.1", "C3...
## $ days_to_last_follow_up      <dbl> NA, NA, 2099, 3747, 3576, NA, NA, 1810,...
## $ cigarettes_per_day          <dbl> 10.9589041, 2.1917808, 1.6438356, 1.095...
## $ years_smoked                <dbl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 26,...
## $ gender                      <fct> male, male, female, male, female, male,...
## $ year_of_birth               <dbl> 1936, 1931, 1927, 1930, 1942, 1953, 193...
## $ race                        <chr> "white", "asian", "white", "white", "no...
## $ ethnicity                   <chr> "not hispanic or latino", "not hispanic...
## $ year_of_death               <dbl> 2004, 2003, NA, NA, NA, 2005, 2006, NA,...
## $ bcr_patient_barcode         <chr> "TCGA-18-3406", "TCGA-18-3407", "TCGA-1...
## $ disease                     <chr> "LUSC", "LUSC", "LUSC", "LUSC", "LUSC",...

One thing to notice: we are doing something called reassignment here. We’re taking the previous values of our variable (gender), doing something to it (making it a factor), and then reassigning the variable gender to our fixed set of values.

Remember when we wanted to decide the order of the categories in the factor? We can assign that order using the levels argument in factor(). To show the order, we can pipe the output into a command called tabyl(), from the janitor package, which is a tidyverse friendly version of table().

##  gender   n   percent
##  female 366 0.3177083
##    male 786 0.6822917

Notice that the female value goes before the male, which is what we wanted.

5.3.4 Using mutate to make a continuous variable categorical using case_when

Say we want to make the cigarettes_per_day into a categorical variable with the values:

  • 0-5 cigarettes/day
  • 6+ cigarettes/day

How would we do that?

Well, we need to follow the basic pattern for each of our categories:

condition ~ category name

The left side of the ~ is where we can specify how we define the *category&.

The right side of the ~ is where we can specify the category name (as a character).

In the example below,

cigarettes_per_day <= 5 is our left side, and 0-5 is our right side (our category).

We need to do this for each level in our category.

##  cigarettes_category    n    percent
##                  0-5 1060 0.92013889
##                   6+   92 0.07986111

5.3.5 Your Turn

Modify the code below to recode cigarettes_category to have 3 levels:

  • 0-5
  • 6-10
  • 11+

Hint: you’ll have to chain conditions with a & to get the 6-10 category.

##  cigarettes_category    n    percent
##                  0-5 1060 0.92013889
##                   6+   92 0.07986111

5.4 group_by()/summarize()

These verbs usually go together and allow you to produce summaries on your data.

5.4.1 summarize()

The summarize() verb produces summaries across your data.

For example, if I wanted to find the average cigarettes_per_day across all my data, I’d do this:

## # A tibble: 1 x 1
##   average_cigarettes
##                <dbl>
## 1               2.61

What are the kinds of things that summarize is useful for?

Useful functions (from

  • Center: mean(), median()
  • Spread: sd() (standard deviation)
  • Range: min(), max()
  • Position: first(), last(), nth()
  • Count: n(), n_distinct()

By itself, summarize() is ok. But it’s really combined with group_by() that it becomes extremely powerful.

5.4.2 group_by()/summarize()

These two verbs always go together. group_by() doesn’t do anything by itself, output wise. But what it does is split our data frame into a number of smaller data.frames split out by category. Then we use summarize to do some sort of summary calculation (such as counting or calculating the mean) on these smaller data.frames:

For example, if we want to calculate the mean cigarettes_per_day smoked between males and females, we’d do the following:

## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
##   gender mean_cigarettes
##   <chr>            <dbl>
## 1 female            2.07
## 2 male              2.86

5.4.3 group_by()/summarize to calculate mean and standard deviation values

Below, we’ll calculate the average number of cigarettes smoked per day for males and females, and the standard deviation.

## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
## # A tibble: 2 x 3
##   gender  mean    sd
##   <chr>  <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 female  2.07  1.53
## 2 male    2.86  2.19

5.4.4 group_by() to count() things

What if we want to know the number of subjects in our dataset with each type of disease? We can use the n() function.

## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   disease count
##   <chr>   <int>
## 1 BLCA      224
## 2 CESC       92
## 3 LUSC      836

5.4.5 Your Turn

Use group_by()/summarize() to calculate the maximum cigarettes per day within each disease category.

5.5 Standardizing variable names: clean_names()

The last package we’ll talk about today is the janitor package. This package adds some really useful functions for cleaning data.

The one I use the most is called clean_names(). This will mutate column names into a standard format - all character values will be lowercase and spaces will be converted to underscores.

The smoke_complete dataset has already had this function applied to it, but let’s create a smaller example dataset where this wouldn’t be the case.

## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   `primary diagnosis` = col_character(),
##   `tumor Stage` = col_character(),
##   `Age at Diagnosis` = col_double(),
##   vitalSTATUS = col_character()
## )
## # A tibble: 1,152 x 4
##    `primary diagnosis` `tumor Stage` `Age at Diagnosis` vitalSTATUS
##    <chr>               <chr>                      <dbl> <chr>      
##  1 C34.1               stage ia                   24477 dead       
##  2 C34.1               stage ib                   26615 dead       
##  3 C34.3               stage ib                   28171 dead       
##  4 C34.1               stage ia                   27154 alive      
##  5 C34.1               stage iiia                 23370 alive      
##  6 C34.3               stage ib                   19025 dead       
##  7 C34.3               stage iv                   26938 dead       
##  8 C34.1               stage ib                   28430 dead       
##  9 C34.1               stage iib                  30435 dead       
## 10 C34.9               stage iv                   24019 dead       
## # ... with 1,142 more rows

Ack! These column names have spaces, inconsistent capitalization, which make these difficult to work with.

So let’s use clean_names() to fix this:

## # A tibble: 1,152 x 4
##    primary_diagnosis tumor_stage age_at_diagnosis vital_status
##    <chr>             <chr>                  <dbl> <chr>       
##  1 C34.1             stage ia               24477 dead        
##  2 C34.1             stage ib               26615 dead        
##  3 C34.3             stage ib               28171 dead        
##  4 C34.1             stage ia               27154 alive       
##  5 C34.1             stage iiia             23370 alive       
##  6 C34.3             stage ib               19025 dead        
##  7 C34.3             stage iv               26938 dead        
##  8 C34.1             stage ib               28430 dead        
##  9 C34.1             stage iib              30435 dead        
## 10 C34.9             stage iv               24019 dead        
## # ... with 1,142 more rows

By default, clean_names() converts to snake case (spaces between words are replaced by an underscore _). clean_names() will help you standardize your dataset’s column names.

5.6 Assignment 4

  1. Load the smoke_complete dataset from the data folder.

  2. Determine which tissue/organ of origin occurs most frequently in smoke_complete. (Hint: use both group_by()/summarize() and arrange().)

  1. Create a new dataset called smoke_filtered that only contains subjects with tissue_or_organ_of_origin of C34.3. Use glimpse() on smoke_filtered.
  1. For subjects in smoke_filtered, make a new variable called age_years by converting age_at_diagnosis from days to years.
  1. Make a new variable called age_category using case_when() from age_years in smoke_filtered.

Make age_category a factor with the following levels:

  • 0-40 years old
  • 40-55 years old
  • 55-70 years old
  • 70+ years old
  1. Create a scatterplot using geom_point() demonstrating the correlation (if any) between the categorical variable age_at_diagnosis versus cigarettes_per_day.